
The official website of the family-friendly NeighborCraft server.


The safe family-friendly minecraft server, always moderated with care.

Always Moderated

NeighborCraft will always be moderated, even if a staff member is not currently online. How? We have many different ways to log players actions. Including FullLogs and CoreProtect, meaning if someone is griefed in the peaceful world, we can issue a command that will make all blocks and items go back just the way it was before.

Helpful Community

NeighborCraft has a friendly community with both new and experienced players. The community will help you out if you’re having troubles, and the staff are always ready to help you out as well!

Quality Servers

Our Minecraft servers are running on the highest quality of servers to make sure your child has smooth and non-laggy gameplay. If one of our servers does go down due to something other than maintenence, you can report it and be sure it'll be back online very soon!

The best family-friendly server

NeighborCraft is one of the best family-friendly servers for a simple reason, all bullies are banned. Unlike other family-friendly servers, unless a staff member is on that bully is still on that server. But with our servers, the chat is fully logged and monitered at all times. If you have questions about the logs, please contact us! (Information is at on the Contact Us page!)

Buy a NeighborCraft License

Buying a license is the key to neighborcraft. It's fast, cheap, and easy. Send us an email titled "License" to and it will give you a form to fill out! After that, you can guarantee that your child is playing in a safe environment!

~ Average Players Online
~ Total Players
~ Months Online
~ Amazing Staff Members

Contact Us

If you would like to contact us, just send us an email! ( If you don't have an email and would like to make one, I suggest going to, clicking Create An Account, and then using that. Then, to send us an email with gmail, go to and click "Compose". Then write whatever it is you wanted to write!

We're sure you'll love our servers!


Regular City-Servers

City-Servers are the base of our community and are the main and most popular servers. These are the ones which are moderated very hardly. These servers are the ones that require a license to play on. They have many different fun mini-games, different playing types (pvp, griefing, peaceful, etc.), and many other fun features to make an amazing game expierience!


Hardcore PvP

This is a server of which you have a war against the other players, trying to get the most points to win. These have 10 minute matches which don't require a license to play on. You try to get the most points within those 10 minutes, whoever does wins. (NOT AS MODERATED AS CITY-SERVERS. REPORTS NOT HANDLED AS QUICKLY.)



This is the public creative server, which doesn't require a license to play on. Build whatever you want, wherever you want! All you do is build, build fun things, build cute things, build evil things. Make whatever your imagination desires. (NOT AS MODERATED AS CITY-SERVERS. REPORTS NOT HANDLED AS QUICKLY.!) NeighborCraft